Thursday, October 1, 2009

Days 33 and 34

So Zack got to participate in our class depiction of nickels and pennies in my math lesson yesterday, and it was fun to see him holding his nickel and showing the other kids five fingers. I think he got the concept, but the class LOVED having him participate. He's been the favorite partner the last two days now, and I think he's had at least 2 partners every day. I don't mind--the vision teacher keeps the group on track, so it's good for everyone. I had the first teacher Zack had back in with me for a while this morning, and it's interesting how differently Zack acts with both of them. Some of the noises and talking were back, and I was the primary disciplinarian when the original teacher was back. It is SO much easier for me when the discipline is not on my shoulders. It's not like I ignore anything or treat him any differently than the other children, but some of his speaking during group time is hard on me because I don't know when he is doing it to be disruptive and when he needs information. Lots of times he's asking valid questions about what is going on. . .I can't quite figure out what is so different with each teacher. Maybe it's the way he's asking questions with the other teacher (or maybe he just doesn't ask questions as often with the second teacher who is much more firm). . .no clue, but I am thankful when the discipline issues vanish. :)
I read through a chapter in the text book today about adolescent children who are blind, and there's a completely different side of the story with social situations and adjustment. I don't think I ever noticed just how much of our communication is non-verbal--you can read volumes into a social situation just by watching the body language! Zack's step mom came in to work in my classroom today, and I really like her. Zack adores her and responds well to her, and it's always nice to have some help. I just hope the conferences go well in a few weeks. I am completely uncomfortable discussing Zack's academic progress because I work so little with him during the day. The vision teachers will be the leaders in the conference for sure. I'm guessing the parents are expecting this? They speak with his vision teachers each day instead of me (they do acknowledge me and are friendly, of course--they have been great), so they clearly have much more communication with them. We'll see how that goes!

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