Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 26

So this Friday was pretty uneventful (thank goodness!) with Zack. He's got a couple more boys in the class who are noticing him, and I'm curious to see how the new seating arrangement works. The vision teacher and I decided to leave Zack's desk where it is since he has learned how to track his way to it, but he'll have new table mates which include two boys he hasn't spent much time with. I decided to go against my long-standing belief that a random assignment of table groups will be a disaster, and I let the kids draw a color for which table they will be sitting at next. We'll see. . .I tried it once at the end of the year last year, and I was amazed at how well it worked! I am putting my faith in probability and my knowledge of who can't sit next to who at the table (they just choose the table, not the position at the table), so we'll see. I got to watch the kids with Zack a little on Friday, but we only had 5 minutes or so to play. All of the swings were occupied by the time we made it outside, so my observation time didn't go as I had hoped. I am going to have to make a note to get outside this week to see how the kids interact and play with Zack in a more natural environment.

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