Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 24

So today the boys really caught on with Zack, and I'm thrilled. He had several boys who wanted to be his partner at math (I did same-sex partners again--the kids like it just as much that way), and they were so cute. . .one of the boys yelled out, "Zack needs to blow his nose!" The vision teacher was across the room gathering the math materials, so I told them to get him a tissue but NOT do it for him. It was funny to watch--one of the boys tried to help, and I told him not to unless Zack asked. I think it turned out fine, but it was definitely not a typical first grade interaction!
I attempted to read braille (one word during literacy with Zack), and he was excited to have me interacting so closely with him. I have NO clue how his fingertips are so sensitive. . .it all feels the same to me!
I visited with the vision teacher this morning about my excitement that the boys were finally making friends with Zack, and she said that recess is amazing. She said my entire class (with the exception of one student with some learning disabilities who is hesitant to interact with special needs children--I think he's afraid of being identified with them because of his own needs) LOVES to play with Zack at recess. She said they always save him a swing and take turns pushing him every day. I'm going to try to not work through lunch tomorrow or Friday and get out to go watch. At least the weather is great this time of year and I won't need my snow boots!

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